Pursuant to Article 80 of the Law on Higher Education in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (Official Gazette of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton No. 4/12), and the decision of the University Senate No. 101-1896 / 19, 101-1896-1 / 19, 101 -1896-2 / 19 Džemal Bijedić University in Mostar, announces COMPETITION for enrollment of students in the first year of the first and second cycl ...

Competition for enrollment of students in the first year of the I and II cycle of studies at the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar in the academic year 2019/2020. years
Pursuant to Article 80 of the Law on Higher Education in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (Official Gazette of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton No. 4/12), Article 146 of the University Statute, and the decision of the University Senate No. 101-1602 / 19 and No. 101- 1602-2- / 19, with the consent of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Croatian National The ...

COMPETITION / COMPETITION for admission of students to the Student Dormitory in Mostar (2019/20)
Based on the Decision of the Senate of the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar 101 - 1601/19 of 30 May 2019, COMPETITION for admission of students to the Student Dormitory in Mostar in the academic year 2019/2020. years on accommodation and food ...
Podaci o upisnim kvotama se odnose na upis 2019/2020.
Podaci za 2020/2021 biti će objavljeni nakon usvajanja novih upisnih kvota.
Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar
University Campus
88104, Mostar
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone: +387 36 570 727
Fax: +387 36 570 032
E-mail: info@unmo.ba